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Classroom Communication
Curriculum, Identity, and Experience in Multicultural Teacher Education
Reports on the initial stages of an ongoing action-research project in multicultural teacher education. Viewing curriculum as the creation of culturally significant domains for conversation, the project inquired into how a secondary English-methods course centered on issues of cultural diversity and emerging professional identities was taken up by predominantly white, middle-class students.
Cyber Diversity
A Central Michigan University course in African-American literature, attended mostly by whites, is joined by black students and their professor at the University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, for lectures and discussions by teleconference. Technology is the tool used for increasing diversity in the teaching/learning experience.
Finding the Multivoiced Self: A Narrative
Suggests that implementing strategies of multicultural education and awareness must also entail the recognition of multiple voices. Describes the author's experiences growing up at the intersection of the politics of voice, power, class, and race.
Interactive reading instruction: a comparison of proximal and distal effects of instructional conversations.
This study examined the effects of an interactive approach, instructional conversations (IC), on the language and concept development of Hispanic students with learning disabilities. This study compared traditional instruction (basal approach) with instructional conversations.