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Citizenship Responsibility
Building Citizenship Skills in Students
An action research project implemented a program for the development of citizenship, cultural awareness, and positive character attributes. Targeted population consisted of middle and high school students in several growing, middle class communities located in northern Illinois.
Building Citizenship Skills in Students
An action research project implemented a program for the development of citizenship, cultural awareness, and positive character attributes. Targeted population consisted of middle and high school students in several growing, middle class communities located in northern Illinois.
Faculty Experience with Diversity: A Case Study of Macalester College
This study tested the belief that domestic racial/ethnic diversity in the classroom contributes to the preparation of students for civic responsibility, focusing on Macalester College, a small liberal arts college in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Macalester has committed significant resources to fulfilling its goals of multicultural recruitment and support of talented students, faculty, and staff of color and to establishing classes that reflect the range of social, artistic, scientific, and philosophical experiences of people nationwide.
International Education, Citizenship, and National Standards
Maintains that if students are to make informed and prudent judgments about the international role of the United States and its foreign policy they need to understand the major elements of international relations and how world affairs affect them. Connects this goal to the National Standards for Civics and Government.
This Issue: Rethinking Social Studies
Introduces a theme issue on rethinking social studies education, discussing: pluralist visions of human possibility; citizenship education and participation; classrooms as laboratories of culture; and educating the educators. The paper suggests that these articles might provoke further discussion about how social studies could influence and shape future generations.
Within These Many Lies the American One: Multiculturalism, Citizenship Training, and the Construction of an American "Paideia."
The idea of an American "paideia" (an ideal national public culture) is implicit in U.S. civic education and citizenship training.