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Child Development
A Learner Centered Education
This paper proposes a learner-centered educational system, focusing on aspects that are intrinsically associated with the modern educational system, such as the curriculum, school community, parents, learners, and educational support personnel.
Acquisition and Manifestation of Prejudice in Children
Identifies three major categories of prejudice: conscious/intentional, conscious/unintentional, and unconscious/unintentional. Asserts that prejudice plays a large role in the development of children and has its origins in the individual's group identity.
Early Childhood Literacy: Programs & Strategies To Develop Cultural, Linguistic, Scientific and Healthcare Literacy for Very Young Children & their Families, 2001 Yearbook
This yearbook recounts the work in 2001 at the Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) at Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi. Rather than an "elitist" laboratory school for the children of university faculty, the ECDC is a collaboration between the Corpus Christi Independent.
Help or Hindrance? Staff Perspectives on Developmental Assessment in Multicultural Early Childhood Settings
Thirty-five staff members' views on developmental assessment in a multicultural early childhood setting are described and used to initiate a critique of current practice in assessment of young children. Staff expressed a range of opinions from endorsement to frank rejection of the utility, validity, and ethics of developmental assessment.
Making Invisible Latino Adolescents Visible: A Critical Approach to Latino Diversity. Michigan State University Series on Children, Youth, and Families, Volume 7
The papers in this collection explore a variety of economic and social issues facing Latino adolescents, including those of Latino diversity or unity, sexuality, and family values. The authors discuss ways to respond to these issues, suggesting approaches that can contribute to the healthy development of Latino adolescents.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education. The collection of papers offers teacher educators' thoughts about ways to enhance the usefulness of service-learning in preservice teacher preparation.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education. The collection of papers offers teacher educators' thoughts about ways to enhance the usefulness of service-learning in preservice teacher preparation.
Teaching and Learning in a Diverse World: Multicultural Education for Young Children. Second Edition
This book introduces new themes to the multicultural conversation, including moral development, economic diversity, environmental concerns, and consumerism. The book explains that multicultural education is not just about racial and ethnic diversity, though it still focuses on racism and other biases in education for children who are poor and of color.
Teaching the Third Culture Child
Examines experiences of a 5- and 7-year-old entering a U.S. early childhood program in context of child development theory, constructivist philosophy, and the Japanese social teaching model.
The Development of Course Content: Teaching Child Development from a Multicultural Perspective. Focus on African American Children
This paper addresses the dominant view from which child development is currently taught, examining the impact of culture on the developing child and offering a rationale for shifting paradigms toward a more inclusive framework of instruction. The dominant framework presents child development from a middle class white, generally western, paradigm.
The Development of Course Content: Teaching Child Development from a Multicultural Perspective. Focus on African American Children
This paper addresses the dominant view from which child development is currently taught, examining the impact of culture on the developing child and offering a rationale for shifting paradigms toward a more inclusive framework of instruction. The dominant framework presents child development from a middle class white, generally western, paradigm.