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A Global Perspective on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. ERIC Digest
The number of languages spoken throughout the world is estimated to be 6,000. Although a small number of languages serve as important link languages or languages of wider communication around the world, these are very often spoken as second, third, fourth, or later-acquired languages.
Beyond Bilingualism: Multilingualism and Multilingual Education. Multilingual Matters Series
This collection of essays on multilingual education includes the following: "A Global Perspective on Multilingualism and Multilingual Education" (G. Richard Tucker); "Psycholinguistic Perspectives on Multilingualism and Multilingual Education" (Jasone Cenoz, Fred Genesee); "Curriculum.
Bilingual Education for All: A Benefits Model for Small Towns
Suggests a curriculum for rural and small-town schools that combines bilingual education in local languages (indigenous, heritage, or immigrant languages) with global, multicultural education. Discusses benefits to students and community, and ways that the model overcomes typical rural constraints of inflexible school organization; administrative and public resistance; and lack of bilingual teachers, materials, and funding.
Diverse Learners in the Classroom: Innovative Literacy Practices for ESL Learners
Discusses briefly issues related to bilingual education and making English the official United States language. Describes an innovative and successful bilingual education program in a public school district in Oregon.
Latino Youth at Home, in Their Communities and in School: The Language Link
In this article, the author focuses on the role that language plays in determining why, what and how Latino youth learn in their communities. She highlights the fundamental and often overlooked resource that Latino English-Spanish bilingualism represents for building bridges between communities, homes and schools.
Latino Youth at Home, in Their Communities and in School: The Language Link
In this article, the author focuses on the role that language plays in determining why, what and how Latino youth learn in their communities. She highlights the fundamental and often overlooked resource that Latino English-Spanish bilingualism represents for building bridges between communities, homes and schools.
Minority Language Education in Malaysia: Four Ethnic Communities' Experiences
Discusses minority language education in Malaysia, a multilingual and multicultural country. Looks at four language minority groups and what they have done to to provide beginning education programs for their children that use the children's native languages.
On the Border of Opportunity: Education, Community, and Language at the U.S.-Mexico Line. Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education
The U.S.-Mexican border is an extensive geographical region that is socially and economically distinct from either the United States or Mexico. It has always been a multilingual and multicultural place.
Promoting Bilingualism in the Era of Unz: Making Sense of the Gap between Research, Policy, and Practice in Teacher Education
Examined efforts to promote bilingualism in a course for prospective teachers, Education of Bilingual Children: Theory and Practice, focusing on how student teachers grappled with the complex relationship between research, policy, and practice within bilingual education. Analysis of five types of literacy events indicated that students experienced a process of transformation in developing more positive attitudes toward bilingualism.
The Care and Education of Young Bilinguals: An Introduction for Professionals
This book is a comprehensive introduction for all professionals working with bilingual children. For speech therapists, physicians, psychologists, counselors, teachers, special needs personnel, and many others, this book addresses the most important issues at a practical level.