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Beginning Teachers
Teacher retention, teacher effectiveness, and professional preparation: A comparison of professional development school and non-professional development school graduates
Compared Professional Development School (PDS) and non-PDS graduates regarding retention in teaching, teaching effectiveness, and perceptions of professional preparation.
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers: The Field Experience. Teacher Education Yearbook IV
This yearbook provides educators with current research and practical guidelines for improving the education of teacher candidates and beginning teachers. The book has four sections, each on a particular topic and containing an overview and a response (reflections and implications).
Teacher supply in United States: Sources of newly hired teachers in public and private schools, 1988-1991.
Data from this report on sources of new teachers in the United States are from the 1987-88 and 1990-91 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) of the National Center for Education Statistics, a multilevel linked survey of public and private schools, school districts, principals, and teachers. As fewer college graduates enter teaching, concerns have risen about possible teacher shortages.
Lernen durch Kulturkontakt. Eine Prozebanalyse der Akkulturation deutscher Studienreferendare in multikulturellen Klassen (Learning through Cultural Contact. A Process Analysis of the Acculturation of German Beginning Teachers in Multicultural Classes
Offers a qualitative, longitudinal study that focuses on individual changes in novice teachers triggered by continuous contact with students of another cultural background in multicultural schools. Reveals clear differences in the acculturation processes.
Cognitive Changes in the Course of Culture Contacts: Young Teachers Meet Migrant Youth
Handling of acculturation problems in multicultural classrooms requires the analysis of individual cognitive models of the process of cultural contacts. Culture contact is defined as individually oriented persons meeting socially oriented persons.