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Asian Americans
16 Extraordinary Asian Americans. Student Book
Asian Americans have made many contributions to American life. The 1990 U.S.
A Never Ending...Never Done...Bibliography of Multicultural Literature for Younger & Older Children. Second Edition
This bibliography of multicultural children's literature emphasizes a range of authentic voices, with respect for some realistic voices for African Americans, Asian Americans, Latina/o Americans, and Native Americans. The over 1,400 titles for younger and older children more than double the number of selections in the first edition.
Acculturation of Vietnamese Students Living in or Away from Vietnamese Communities
A t-test comparison of the acculturation levels of Vietnamese students living in or away from Vietnamese communities found higher overall acculturation for the former than for the latter group and no difference in the Value dimension of acculturation. Age and length of residency in the United States predicted acculturation.
Culturally Diverse Videos, Audios, and CD-ROMs for Children and Young Adults
The purpose of this book is to help librarians develop high quality video, audio, and CD-ROM collections for preschool through high school learning with titles that reflect the ethnic heritage and experience of the diverse North American population, primarily African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans.
In Support of Civil Rights: Taking On the Initiative. LEAP (Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc.) Special Report, Proposition 209, "The California Civil Rights Initiative."
Proposition 209 is a statewide constitutional amendment initiative in California, which, if passed in November 1996, will eliminate all statewide affirmative action programs. It is argued that, contrary to its title, this amendment is an extreme and unnecessary measure that will actually undermine further advances in civil rights.
Intake Concerns of Racial and Ethnic Minority Students at a University Counseling Center: Implications for Developmental Programming and Outreach
Examined the presenting concerns of racial and ethnic minority students (N=157) at a university counseling center. Results indicate that family and romantic relationship issues, academic concerns, and depression were among their primary concerns.
Multiethnic Children's Literature. Book Review
Reviews a guide to children's literature for and about Latinos, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. Suggests ways to improve the book's usefulness, including a more global perspective, more rigorous research about specific cultural references, and better student activities.
Ratings of Helper Roles by Multicultural Psychologists and Asian American Students: Initial Support for the Three-Dimensional Model of Multicultural Counseling
The results of two surveys investigating support for psychologists' roles advocated by the three-dimensional model of multicultural counseling are reported. Vignettes used varied high/low acculturation and internal/external etiology of problem.
Struggling To Be Heard: The Unmet Needs of Asian Pacific American Children
Essays in this volume address the neglect of Asian Pacific Americans in the United States, of their struggles for liberation, hopes, troubles, and personal identities. This collection reviews Asian Pacific American history and explores attitudes about the welfare of Asian Pacific American families.
Struggling To Be Heard: The Unmet Needs of Asian Pacific American Children
Essays in this volume address the neglect of Asian Pacific Americans in the United States, of their struggles for liberation, hopes, troubles, and personal identities. This collection reviews Asian Pacific American history and explores attitudes about the welfare of Asian Pacific American families.
Student Characteristics, School Characteristics, and Educational Aspirations of Six Asian American Ethnic Groups
Looks at differences among six Asian-American ethnic groups in terms of student-level and school-level characteristics and examines factors related to their educational aspirations. Discusses implications for counselors to help Asian-American students achieve academic success in secondary and higher education.
The Power of Poetry
Discusses poetry and the power it can have in elementary school classes. Considers why poetry is effective and the value of memorizing poems, and recommends multicultural titles for Blacks, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans that can help motivate children to read and write.
The Relationship between Cultural Identity and Academic Achievement of Asian American Students
A study investigated the relationship between students' level of interest in maintaining their cultural identity and their academic achievement. Subjects were 105 United States-born Chinese-American and Korean-American high school students attending two public high schools in Southern California.
Women Faculty of Color in the White Classroom: Narratives on the Pedagogical Implications of Teacher Diversity
This book compiles narratives by women professors of color who examine their classroom experiences in predominantly white U.S. campuses, focusing on the impact of their social positions upon their classroom practices and teaching-learning selves.
Women of Color: Perspectives within the Profession
To effectively interact with their students, leaders and teachers in sport and physical activity must be familiar with their students' cultural backgrounds. This collection of articles discusses how women of color deal with and have been affected by their racial and ethnic identities in relationship to physical activity and sport.