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Adult Education
Delta Pi Epsilon National Research Conference Proceedings (Indianapolis, Indiana, November 14-16, 1996)
It is a collectio of 34 papers.The papers contains articles related to attitude and motivation;teacher student;government university collaboration relationship etc.
Honoring Our Roots and Branches...Our History and Future. Proceedings of the Annual Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (19th, Madison, Wisconsin, September 27-29, 2000)
These proceedings consist of 44 presentations in these categories: distance education and evaluation; community issues and research; multicultural issues and research; teaching and learning; research methods; and organizational development.
Learning to Lead from the Middle: An Apprenticeship in Diversity
An adult educator working with marginalized multicultural groups describes how the community defined the following core values for working with diversity: living the respect for diversity, climate of extended family, shared grassroots ownership, blend of creativity and practicality, organizational effectiveness, work for the common good, and leadership and advocacy within the larger community. (SK).
Literacy and Language Diversity in the United States. Language in Education: Theory and Practice 87
This book was written for scholars, policymakers, and educators and provides both an introduction to issues in literacy and language diversity and compelling questions for those who work in the field. Based on national data, the extent of language diversity in the United States is explored; what is known about English literacy, native language literacy, and biliteracy is considered; and what is needed to make informed national policy decisions about this subject is discussed.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field. Twenty-three chapters are grouped into five sections.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field.
Reading Counter-Hegemonic Practices through a Postmodern Lens
Examines similarities, differences, limitations, and possibilities of critical pedagogy, feminist pedagogy, and multicultural adult education. Considers how postmodern thought has influenced these discourses.
The National Conversation on Youth Development in the 21st Century. Final Report.
To commemorate 2002 as the centennial year of America's 4-H Movement, the National 4-H Council held a national conversation to identify ways of improving youth development programs. The conversation process included the following activities: 1,577 local conversations that yielded more than 10,000 specific action items; a review of those items at 63 state conversations; and a national conversation at which 1,200 youths and adults representing 600 organizations developed specific national strategies and action steps based on the findings of the local and state conversations.