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Critical Issues in Social Studies Research for the 21st Century. Research in Social Education Series


Social studies is a field struggling to reconcile multiple and, at times, conflicting rationales. The beginning of a century is an appropriate time to reflect on the condition of social studies and to question where the world has been and where it is going. The essays in this collection explore possible answers to these questions as they apply to critical areas of concern for social studies educators. The collection contains the following essays: (1) "Social Studies: Problems and Possibilities" (William B. Stanley); (2) "Defining Social Studies" (Jack L. Nelson); (3) "In Search of the Social Studies Curriculum: Standardization, Diversity, and a Conflict of Appearances" (Kevin D. Vinson; E. Wayne Ross); (4) "Climates of Constraint/Restraint of Teachers and Teaching" (Catherine Cornbleth); (5) "Toward Enlightened Political Engagement" (Walter C. Parker); (6) "Committing Acts of History: Mediated Action, Humanistic Education, and Participatory Democracy" (Linda S. Levstik; Keith C. Barton); (7) "Interrogating Privilege, Plurality and Possibilities in a Multicultural Society" (Ellen M. Santora); (8) "Moving the Center of Global Education: From Imperial World Views that Divide the World to Double Consciousness, Contrapuntal Pedagogy, Hybridity, and Cross-Cultural Competence" (Merry Merryfield); (9) "Promise and Practice of Computer Technologies in the Social Studies: A Critical Analysis" (Michael J. Berson; John K. Lee; Daniel W. Stuckart); (10) "The Future of Research on Social Studies--For What Purpose?" (James P. Shaver); and (11) "Epilogue" (William B. Stanley). (BT)

  • Author/Creator: Stanley, William B.
  • Author's address: Information Age Publishing, Inc., 80 Mason Street, P.O. Box 4967, Greenwich, CT 06831 (paperback: ISBN-1-930608-06-3, $29.95; hardcover: ISBN-1-930608-07-1, $63.25, plus shipping). Tel: 203-661-7602; Fax: 203-661-7952; e-mail: [email protected]
  • Date Published: 00-00
  • Notes: Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder. English ISBN: 1-930608-06-3 From the Research in Social Education series; Merry Merryfield, Editor. Document (RIE) 020 Collected Works--General; 141 Reports--Descriptive EDRS: Document Not Available from EDRS.
  • Resource Availability: 200 OK
  • Year: 2001

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