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part of the Education Reform Networks

Visible Differences and Unseen Commonalities: Viewing Students as the Connections Between Schools and Communities

Community involvement has become an integral part of the national reform agenda and the call for increased involvement and redefining schools’ and communities’ roles and relationships has broad-based support. But the ways in which parents and advocates envision their involvement is often different than the ways in which school administrators think about it.

  • Author/Creator: Corbett, H. D., Wilson, B., Webb, J.
  • Author's address: State University of New York Press Albany, NY State University of New York Press CUP Services P.O. Box 6525 Ithaca, NY 14851
  • Journal/Secondary Title: Coordination Among Schools, Families, and Communities: Prospects for Educational Reform.
  • Publisher: State University of New York
  • Year: 1999

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