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Building Communities From the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets


This publication by the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University, builds on the work of McKnight and others stressing informal, community-based supports and affiliations to build inclusive communities. The book discusses how communities can rediscover and ”map” all of their local assets; how to build on these rediscovered assets to become more self-reliant and empowered neighborhoods and communities; and how ”outsiders” (professionals, government officials, and representatives from the philanthropic sector) can contribute to this process. Includes a section on how schools - as important local institutions - can contribute to the community building.

  • Author/Creator: Kretzmann, J.P., McKnight, J.L.
  • Author's address: ACTA Publications 4848 North Clark St. Chicago, IL 60208-4100
  • Notes: Comments: This is a good resource book for the ”asset mapping” strategy used with schools and districts
  • Publisher: ACTA Publications
  • Year: 1993

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