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Community Development
Building Communities From the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets
This publication by the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University, builds on the work of McKnight and others stressing informal, community-based supports and affiliations to build inclusive communities. The book discusses how communities can rediscover and ”map” all of their local assets; how to build on these rediscovered assets to become more self-reliant and empowered neighborhoods and communities; and how ”outsiders” (professionals, government officials, and representatives from the philanthropic sector) can contribute to this process.
Can Urban School Reform and Community Development Be Joined? The Potential of Community Schools
Examines how the concepts of service and community might be made to serve the interests of those who are the heart of urban schools: students, their families, and neighborhood residents. The article introduces a model of community schools that is oriented to the inner-directed development of inner-city neighborhoods.
Cooperative Learning in Israel's Jewish and Arab Schools: A Community Approach
Describes the creation of the cooperation, investigation, literacy, and community (CILC) model within a holistic educational project in Acre, a Jewish-Arab mixed city in northern Israel, focusing on the implementation of cooperative learning at the schools and the work of the dropout investigative task force which was created to build community in the city and prevent dropout. (SM).
Diversity, Equity and Community in Educational Reform
Educational equity demands are progressively being framed in terms of multiculturalism and diversity within the educational process. This change of focus means that strategies aiming to secure rights should make room for others that emphasize the building of relationships, mutual knowledge, and community.
Transforming Elementary Social Studies: The Emergence of a Curriculum Focused on Diverse, Caring Communities
Examines six elementary social studies textbook series for the absence or presence of multicultural perspectives. Identifies Houghton Mifflin and Macmillan as opposite ends of the spectrum.