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The Many Faces of Team Teaching and Learning: An Overview

Defines team teaching, a growing trend. Presents a typology of types differing in purpose: interdisciplinary/multicultural education, collaborate learning, community action, action learning, specialized delivery, professional development, research, and writing. Also categorizes types based on how team members relate to each other. (SK)

  • Author/Creator: Eisen, Mary-Jane
  • Date Published: Fall
  • Journal/Secondary Title: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education
  • Notes: FirstSearch indicates your institution subscribes to this publication. Libraries worldwide that own item: 357 UNIV OF COLORADO AT BOULDER Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder. ISSN: 1052-2891 English Team Teaching and Learning in Adult Education. Journal Article (CIJE) 080 Journal Articles
  • Number: 87
  • Year: 2000

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