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Writing Exercises
Influences of Multicultural Poetry Genre Study on Sixth-Grade Students' Language Appropriation
A study investigaged: (1) in what ways sixth-grade students appropriated language and/or themes from multicultural poetry into their own poetry writing and (2) when students appropriated language and/or themes, what factors influenced their choices. Subjects were 5 students within a class of 22, chosen for case studies because of their unique involvement in the classroom community, resistance to distraction, fluency in writing, and diverse cultural/ethnic backgrounds.
Melting Pot to Tossed Salad
Encourages teachers to interact with students and students to interact with each other to facilitate cultural awareness and respect for differences. Proposes a number of classroom activities, such as "how to" presentations, studies of cultural folklore, and a puppet show.
The One-Minute Paper: Enhancing Discussion in a Multicultural Seminar
The teacher of a college seminar on education in contemporary American society, addressing sensitive personal and political concepts, used one-minute essays to "take the pulse" of the class daily. Daily summaries of essay content provided students with evidence of the teacher's commitment to monitoring the process, added a level of discourse, and provided feedback about individual and collective direction.