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World Literature
African Literature in the Secondary English Language Arts Classroom
Explains how a teacher's trip to Africa reinforced his commitment to a multicultural literature program. Recommends several books that might be incorporated into thematically-driven multicultural units such as "traditional tales," "rites of passage/search for identity," "cultures colliding," and "colonialism and its aftermath." (TB).
Integrating Media Literacy into a World Literature Course
States that to combat the media onslaught, teachers need to teach their students to be aware of, to evaluate, and to become literate in their understanding and their deployment of the media. Describes strategies used to teach a course in world literature for gifted 12th graders which uses the mass media to impart a multicultural viewpoint.
National Standards for History. Basic Edition.
This revised guide is intended for teachers to aid in development of history curriculum in the schools and explains what students should know and be able to do in each of the grade levels. The book addresses two types of standards: (1) historical thinking skills; and (2) historical understandings.
The Necessity of the Literary Tradition: Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "One-Hundred Years of Solitude."
Argues that literature from other countries, taught as multicultural literature, must be taught in the context of its own literary tradition in order to provide high-quality academic instruction. Offers an example with Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "One-Hundred Years of Solitude" to show how teaching multicultural literature can live up to its ambitious goal of illuminating different cultures.