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"Speaking Up" and "Speaking Out": Examining "Voice" in a Reading/Writing Program with Adolescent African-Caribbean Girls
Examines three significant moments in a weekly reading and writing workshop to reflect on the problematic notion of "coming to voice" for African Caribbean girls aged 14 to 15. Concludes by sharing how the inquiry taught the author some salient lessons in listening to research participants' voices and on the politics and ethics of participatory literacy inquiries.
Culture, Identity, and Curriculum
Describes a curriculum transformation project at Ohio's Mount Union College (a predominantly white school) designed to help faculty members restructure their courses to reflect a multicultural approach and provide information to help students work in diverse settings. A yearlong workshop teaches educators to make multicultural issues central, rather than superficial add-ons.
Mixing It Up: Multicultural Support and the Learning Center
Reports on Macalester College's (Minnesota) Learning Center peer-mentoring, speaker, and workshop programs, which were designed to focus on anti-racism activism and reorganization of multicultural affairs. Analyzes ambiguity of terms "racism" and "multiculturalism" and argues that a systematic approach is necessary to move toward realizing the vision of a vibrant multicultural and multiracial learning community.
Screening for Pervasive Intolerance in Admissions Candidates
This paper describes the Pre-Admission Workshop, which is designed as a screening procedure to achieve optimal selection outcomes for graduate study in counseling. The workshop not only assesses the academic potential of the applicants, but also allows for observation of multicultural competencies developed by Sue, Arredondo, and McDavis (1992).
Screening for Pervasive Intolerance in Admissions Candidates
This paper describes the Pre-Admission Workshop, which is designed as a screening procedure to achieve optimal selection outcomes for graduate study in counseling.
Seeking Common Ground. In-Service
The former superintendent of the Piscataway (New Jersey) Township Schools describes the hows and whys of diversity workshops for school-district employees. (LMI).
The Road to Multicultural Education: Potholes of Resistance
Presents data on the extent to which preservice and inservice teachers and preservice school counselors approached acceptance of the tenets reflected in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education's statement endorsing multiculturalism, multilingualism, multidialectism, empowerment, equity, and cultural and individual uniqueness. Survey data illuminate tensions teacher educators experience as they conduct multicultural training activities.
Voices from the Trenches: Students' Insights Regarding Multicultural Teaching/Learning
Describes a conference presentation on "Multicultural Ways of Thinking: Removing the Blinders," in which a teaching strategy called "anonymous sharing" was modeled. The strategy allows participants to share ideas in a nonthreatening way by reading comments made anonymously by others.