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Urban Youth
"A Teacher Wrote This Movie": Challenging the Myths of "One Eight Seven" [movie review]
Reviews "One Eight Seven," a film about a teacher working with at-risk students. The film is an indictment of U.S.
Educating Latino Students: A Guide to Successful Practice
This book attempts to assist readers in expanding their knowledge base in the area of quality practices for Latino students. The chapters contain many practices that can be implemented in educational settings from preschool to secondary school.
Having Arrived: Dimensions of Educational Success in a Transitional Newcomer School
Examines a program for newly arrived, non-English-speaking immigrant children in a California city. Findings from a fourth-grade class demonstrate how a nurturing setting, culturally flexible teaching approach, linguistic and cultural validation, and a valued spatial environment contribute to newcomer students' success.
Identities and Education: New Myths and New Ethnicities
Explores the position of blacks in British society and considers the role schools might play in a new acceptance of ethnicity and the clarification of values appropriate for the new multicultural society. British society must value and celebrate all its peoples rather than continue current social injustices.
Learning to Fail: Case Studies of Students At Risk
This study of students at risk was conducted to determine who is at risk, what puts students at risk, what schools are doing to help those students, and how effective these efforts are. Data were collected on about 49,000 students and almost 10,000 teachers in over 275 schools in 85 U.S.
On the Power of Separate Spaces: Teachers and Students Writing (Righting) Selves and Future
Studied the effect of programs within desegregated schools that serve an identified population of students for cultural affirmation and advancement. Ethnographic data from a girls' group at an urban magnet school and a Vietnamese students' homeroom, focusing on 20 high school students, in an urban comprehensive school demonstrate both the power of such "spaces" and the contradictory impulses within such arrangements.
Promising Practices: The PRIDE Program at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Describes the PRIDE Program, a partnership between the Harrisburg School District (Pennsylvania) and Bloomsburg University to provide urban, poverty-level sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students at risk of dropping out with an opportunity to spend a week on campus each summer. Program evaluation shows improved student attitudes and continuation in school.
Restructuring Urban Schools: A Chicago Perspective
The Chicago (Illinois) School Reform Act of 1988 set in motion a chain of reform efforts that have been the subject of considerable study. The plan emphasizes returning control of the schools to parents and the community through school-based management and local school councils.
Student Self-Empowerment: A Dimension of Multicultural Education
Examined ways in which 27 urban ninth graders from diverse backgrounds displayed empowering behaviors and attitudes. Students clearly voiced that they were in control of their actions.
Text Design Patterns in the Writing of Urban African American Students: Teaching to the Cultural Strengths of Students in Multicultural Settings
Detailed text analysis was used to examine the expository writing patterns of four academically successful African American high school students. These bidialectic students brought culturally influenced text design patterns into the classroom.
The Challenge of Affirmative Action
Explores the challenges of using affirmative action programs when competing groups of underrepresented people vie for limited school resources. The case study of a San Francisco (California) high school illustrates the difficulties of balancing competing goals when affirming diversity and addressing patterns of discrimination conflict with equal treatment of each individual.
Unscrambling the Semantics of Canadian Multiculturalism
This paper explores the evolution of multiculturalism in the Canadian context. Some opponents of multiculturalism in Canada detect in the ideology an undermining of a unique Canadian identity in favor of hyphenated Canadians, while proponents see the hyphenation as adding richness and color to the Canadian character.