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Teacher Influence
Classroom Multiculturalism: A Closer Look
Uses field data gathered in two school districts to explore multicultural activity in social studies classrooms. The focus is on the source, treatment, and incorporation of multiculturalism into the lessons.
Multiculturalism, Diversity, and the Impact Parents and Schools Have on Societal Race Relations
Multicultural research shows that students' attitudes and friendships within a multiracial/ethnic context involve complicated sets of behavioral and attitudinal dimensions. Parents' and teachers' influence can cause children to develop positive and/or negative attitudes about an entire group.
Professional Growth: Teaching Truth
Emphasizes teacher's role in imparting multicultural education to students by relating personal experience of a teacher who unravels his family history and discovers with pride his multicultural heritage. (BAC).
The Color of Teachers, the Color of Students: The Multicultural Classroom Experience
Examines the experiences of students taking a one-semester race and ethnic relations course taught in three sections, each with a different instructor, one African American, one Mexican American, and one white. Finds that approximately 25 to 40 percent of students expected instructor's race/ethnicity to influence everything but grading.