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Student Adjustment
Culture and Professional Education: The Experiences of Native American Social Workers
A qualitative survey explored the professional educational experiences of 63 Native American social workers and social work students. Most respondents identified the need for more cultural content in the curriculum, personal struggles experienced in pursuing an education grounded in Anglo cultural norms, but also available supports, especially other Native Americans.
The Transition of Gambian Children to New York City Public Schools
Noting the need to develop strategies to ease the transition of children from families recently arriving in the United States from Gambia into the public school system in New York City, this paper compares the school life in Gambia with that of Bronx, New York. Information on school life in Gambia was obtained through literature and through interviews of 2 parents and 4 children, ages 8 to 10 years, from Gambia presently living in the Bronx.
The Transition of Gambian Children to New York City Public Schools
Noting the need to develop strategies to ease the transition of children from families recently arriving in the United States from Gambia into the public school system in New York City, this paper compares the school life in Gambia with that of Bronx, New York.
Using Counselor Training and Collaborative Programming Strategies in Working with International Students
Provides an overview of the adjustment concerns of international students and explores venues for inclusion of this population in multicultural training and counselor competency development opportunities for graduate students. Highlights a model of programming implemented at a private university that provides training opportunities for counselors-in-training.