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State Programs
Reform in Teacher Education through the CLAD/BCLAD Policy
Analyzes obstacles facing multicultural/bilingual teacher education reform in the context of California's Crosscultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) or Bilingual Crosscultural Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) programs, which try to translate theoretical frameworks concerned with cultural difference into credentialing policy. This reform effort champions linguistic and cultural diversity but faces formidable obstacles.
Unscrambling the Semantics of Canadian Multiculturalism
This paper explores the evolution of multiculturalism in the Canadian context. Some opponents of multiculturalism in Canada detect in the ideology an undermining of a unique Canadian identity in favor of hyphenated Canadians, while proponents see the hyphenation as adding richness and color to the Canadian character.
Youth Works Final Report. Youth Works-Americorps Final Report. Report to the Legislature.
This document consists of a 1996-97 final report of Youth Works*AmeriCorps (YW*AC) and a supplemental report with information collected by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, and Learning.
Youth Works Final Report. Youth Works-Americorps Final Report. Report to the Legislature.
This document consists of a 1996-97 final report of Youth Works*AmeriCorps (YW*AC) and a supplemental report with information collected by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, and Learning.