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Social Values
A Diversity Curriculum: Integrating Attitudes, Issues, and Applications
Describes a graduate-level public administration course on valuing diversity, which provided opportunities to examine in detail the ethical dilemmas, public attitudes and values, and social consequences of compelling diversity issues. Reports on a content analysis of students' final papers, identifying common themes in students' development of competencies related to valuing diversity.
Infusing Multicultural Education: A Process of Creating Organizational Change at the College Level
A case study uses the concept of second-order organizational change to conceptualize the nature of change associated with infusing multicultural education within a large college of education. A four-year process is described, in which qualitative changes to the organization's culture occurred.
Intercultural and Multicultural Education as Cultural Encounter and Reflection: Innovative Programs at the International Center for the Study of Education Policy and Human Values
Describes the International Center for the Study of Educational Policy and Human Values at the University of Maryland. Asserts that it has achieved its two original goals of assisting experienced leaders to integrate an intercultural dimension into programs and develop model intercultural programs and training materials.
Multiculturalism and Multicultural Curricula in the United States
Argues for more multicultural education in the United States at all levels, but particularly in higher education. Earlier conceptions of multiculturalism (assimilation, transitional multiculturalism, residual multiculturalism/tokenism) have not succeeded; a variety that both emphasizes the core values of cultures, and serves as a unifying factor in a culture of difference, is proposed.
Multiple Literacies and Critical Pedagogy in a Multicultural Society
Multiple literacies are needed to meet the challenges of today's new technologies and multicultural society. Media literacy is necessary because media culture strongly influences people's world view.
Talking Race in Concrete: Leadership, Diversity, and Praxis
Traditional school administrator programs have neglected the democratic and moral dimensions of leadership preparation. In an increasingly diverse world, leadership theory needs to be reformed as critical, reflective, and concerned with social justice and praxis.
What the Russian School Ought to Be Like
Asserts that Russian society and Russian schools are going through a profound crisis. Maintains that the best approach to solving social and educational problems is to restore and develop national principles and group cohesion.
Why Read Multicultural Literature? An Arnoldian Perspective
Discusses leaving the old canon and creating a new curriculum encompassing more diverse interests. Argues that multicultural literature should be read because it will cause readers to come face-to-face with their own values in a way which will either cause those values to change or cause readers to become more aware of them and more reflective of those values.