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Evaluation of Supplemental Instruction at the College Level
Describes a new method of evaluating the Supplemental Instruction (SI) model as implemented in a high-risk biology course at an urban multicultural university campus. Examination grades indicated that the average grade of participants in classes that had SI sessions was significantly higher than that of participants in classes where SI sessions were not offered.
Experiences and Beliefs as Predictors of Ethnic Identity and Intergroup Relations
Factors affecting ethnic identity and other group orientation were assessed in 115 college students from 5 ethnic groups. Ethnic group self-identification, negative and positive interracial experiences, perceptions of racial bias, social support, just-world beliefs, and psychological distress were each associated with various components of ethnic identity and are discussed within a counseling perspective.
In the Triangle/Out of the Circle: Gay and Lesbian Students Facing the Heterosexual Paradigm
Research with gay/lesbian high school students found that they sensed their sexual preference at an early age, had sexual awareness experiences similar to most adolescents, and faced conflicts with families and religion. It was recommended that multicultural perspectives include gays and lesbians and that teacher and administrator sensitivity be developed.
The Gangstas in Our Midst
While conducting this ethnography on 50 male African-American gang members, I sought to create a picture of the culture in which these young men existed. Over a two-year period, I observed and interviewed members from such groups as the Bloods, Crips, and the Blackstone Rangers in order to uncover the values, language, and rituals that defined membership in a gang, as well as the reasons why these males joined these groups in the first place.