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Social Science Research
Cultural Stereotypes and Preservice Education: Moving Beyond Our Biases
Examines one teacher's attempt to bring positive changes in students' perceptions about people from cultures other than their own. Highlights an education course that helped students change their stereotyped perceptions of an Asian instructor and her culture and their superficial understanding of multicultural education.
Defining Culture in a Multicultural Environment: An Ethnography of Heritage High School
Examines how multicultural education can alter the learning environment of a school and thereby influence student relations, attitudes, and behaviors. The author discusses study findings that show the need for educational theory and practice to pay more attention to minority group interrelationships rather than the interaction between the traditionally dominant and subordinate groups.
Links between Family Life and Minority Student Achievement: Removing the Blinders
Contends that a range of theories exists in the social science literature about the effects of family processes on the social and academic success of a family's offspring. Identifies major theoretical perspectives that have dominated the literature on families and minority student achievement.
The Lives and Values of Researchers: Implications for Educating Citizens in a Multicultural Society
Discusses why it is necessary to uncover the values that underlie social science research and reviews reasons objectivity should be a goal of social science research. Presents a typology of cross-cultural researchers and describes the lives and work of some social scientists who exemplify these categories.
Towards a Multicultural Society: Bringing Postmodernism into the Classroom
Asserts that western civilization's belief in the differentiation between object and subject impedes a true multicultural discourse. Praises the postmodernist approach, that self-evident reality is actually a politically constructed text, as being useful in identifying subjectivity.
Why All the Counting? Feminist Social Science Research on Children's Literature
Addresses the question of why counting has figured so prominently in feminist social sciences studies of children's literature. Documents the quantitative approach to children's books used by both liberal and radical feminists; gives an account of why this approach has been so popular among feminist social scientists; and outlines some of the achievements and limitations of this approach.