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Social Environment
A Framework for Examining School Leadership and Teaching in Varied Organizations and Social Contexts: A Synthesis
This research examined the overlap of four key domains of schools according to multiple perspectives.
Improving Pupil Attendance: Inclusive and Sensitive Approaches
Describes a British secondary school's efforts to improve student attendance by promoting social inclusion. The project involved a first day absence monitor, school counselor, Education Welfare Officer, and specialist teacher.
Language Learning in Social and Cultural Contexts. ERIC Digest
This Digest considers language learning as a socio-cultural process, contending that to fully function in a particular language, one not only needs to understand the mechanics, such as the grammar, but also to apply that language across various contexts, audiences, and purposes. The Digest discusses language learning at home, language learning in communities, and language learning among linguistic minority children.
Leadership and Teaching in Four Schools with Varied Organizational Structures and Social Contexts
Since educational administrators must study leadership as related to improving classroom instruction, the purpose of this study was to determine if any patterns existed in the relationship between leadership and teaching reform in four previously published case studies.
Secondary Schools in a New Millennium: Demographic Certainties, Social Realities
This report examines the demographic trends, social realities, and complexities that can potentially transform American secondary schools. It describes the nature of diversity in the world and nation and between and within states and school districts.