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Sexual Orientation
Depoliticizing Multicultural Education: The Return to Normalcy in a Predominantly White High School
Examines how teachers at a predominantly white, middle-class high school enacted multicultural education into the course, "Cultural Issues." Explores course examples which suggest that micro-political contexts of school and community-shaped curriculum and instruction are important, but in unacknowledged ways. Argues that attention must be paid to the influence of contextual norms.
Extending the Possibilities of Multicultural Professional Development in Public Schools
A 3-year qualitative study documented and critiqued a city school system's efforts to enlighten faculty and staff through multicultural professional development. Examples from the study show how the district attempted to introduce a more inclusive schooling approach and extend the virtues of multicultural professional development.
Measuring Counselor Competence with Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Clients: Implications for Multicultural Training
This study attempted to develop psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation Counselor Competency Scale (SOCCS), an instrument used to assess the awareness, skills, and knowledge of counselors working with the lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) population. A sample of 287 students undergraduates, master-level and doctoral-level students, and counseling psychologists were surveyed.
The Diversification of Psychology. A Multicultural Revolution
Presents trends and recommendations arising from the continuing diversification of psychology, highlighting five multicultural themes: diversification of the United States; facilitating difficult dialogues on race, gender, and sexual orientation; spirituality as a basic dimension of the human condition; the invisibility of monoculturalism and whiteness; and teaching multiculturalism and diversity. The challenge of developing a multicultural psychology is discussed.