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Global Perspectives for Young Readers: Easy Readers and Picture Book Read-Alouds from around the World
Discusses how early childhood educators can use reading lessons as part of a global curriculum and help children develop an understanding of other peoples and their customs. Includes criteria for choosing international books as early reader selections, and annotated lists of picture books for beginning readers, chapter books for young readers, and translated books for read-aloud sessions.
Storytelling for Young Children in a Multicultural World
Advocates storytelling as a powerful resource to promote an understanding of racial and ethnic diversity. Addresses issues of selection criteria including elements of character development, prejudice reduction, authority and authorship, and language.
The Elementary School Library Collection: A Guide to Books and Other Media, Phases 1-2-3. 20th Edition
This collection development aid lists more than 10,000 titles of children's materials available in a variety of formats (in addition to print materials, the guide also includes sound recordings, video cassettes, microcomputer software programs, CD-ROM products, and videodiscs).