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School Psychologists
A Theoretical Framework for Training Monolingual School Psychologists to Work with Multilingual/Multicultural Children: An Exploration of the Major Competencies
Suggests major competencies needed by all school psychologists, especially when working with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Suggestions were gathered from practitioners in the field, published data, literature reviews, and personal observations.
Culturally Diverse Beliefs Concerning Dying, Death, and Bereavement: A School Psychologist's Intervention Challenge
School psychologists need to employ a multicultural perspective in the areas of death, dying, and bereavement. To develop multicultural sensitivity and competency requires setting aside one's personal beliefs in an attempt to adopt another's perspective.
Development of the Multicultural School Psychology Counseling Competency Scale
Delineates competencies needed by school psychologists in the provision of counseling services to culturally diverse clients. Develops an exploratory measure of multicultural counseling competence in school psychology practice, the Multicultural School Psychology Counseling Competency Scale.
Five Themes To Enhance the Value of Psychology to Schools
Psychology as a profession and the American educational system are in a major period of transition. Transitions influencing the American education system are: (1) an increasingly diverse multicultural society; (2) rapid changes in the work place; (3) changes in American society; (4) civil rights legislation; and (5) rising costs associated education.
Implementing NOVA's Group Crisis Intervention Model in Multicultural School Settings
With the increasing diversity of the United States population, there is a growing awareness of the need for culturally specific responses to help survivors of disasters and violence. When school psychologists are called upon to intervene, they need to be able to link survivors to support systems.
Implementing NOVA's Group Crisis Intervention Model in Multicultural School Settings
With the increasing diversity of the United States population, there is a growing awareness of the need for culturally specific responses to help survivors of disasters and violence. When school psychologists are called upon to intervene, they need to be able to link survivors to support systems.
Multicultural Training in Doctoral School Psychology Programs: In Search of the Model Program?
The multicultural training (MCT) of APA-accredited School Psychology programs was studied. The sample included faculty and students from five programs nominated for strong MCT and five comparison programs randomly selected from the list of remaining APA-accredited programs.
Training Urban School Counselors and Psychologists To Work with Culturally, Linguistically, Urban, and Ethnically Diverse Populations
Discusses the need to train urban school counselors and psychologists to address the needs of culturally, linguistically, urban, and ethnically diverse (CLUE) students, proposing a major CLUE philosophy training program to be incorporated into the existing degree sequence. Notes major competencies needed for multicultural training and presents key readings to help students and professionals familiarize themselves with the competencies.