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School Effectiveness
A personal vision of a good school
The author envisions schools as communities of learners. A school's quality, character, and student accomplishments depend heavily on collegiality, or the nature of its adult relationships.
A Successful Program for Struggling Readers
Notes that a "staggering number" of struggling readers in the United States are African American children and other students of color. Outlines characteristics of successful schools for struggling readers, and details effective teaching techniques.
Alternative Schools and Roma Education: A Review of Alternative Secondary School Models for the Education of Roma Children in Hungary. World Bank Regional Office Hungary NGO Studies
In recent years, a number of experiments have been undertaken in Hungary with alternative approaches to secondary school education for Roma children. This report examines six different institutions that have attempted to help Roma children make the transition from basic to secondary school, and to improve their performance and future opportunities in education and in the labor market.
Assessment and Testing: Measuring Up to Expectations. ERIC Digest
As a result of increasing pressure from external constituencies, community colleges have been called upon to demonstrate accountability through assessment activities and research on institutional effectiveness based on student outcomes. Since community colleges include transient student populations, students with a wide range of ability and academic goals, and large numbers of adjunct faculty, assessment should focus on the improvement of campus instructional and support programs to increase student success, rather than on national comparisons.
Comer Schools: Are They Recognizable Through Direct Observation?
"The Comer School Development Program is a school reform model that, in full implementation, creates positive school climate. The research has confirmed that this can be observed.
Comer Schools: Are They Recognizable Through Direct Observation?
"The Comer School Development Program is a school reform model that, in full implementation, creates positive school climate. The research has confirmed that this can be observed.
Down with School Improvement--Some Polemical Notes
Criticizes England's School Improvement Ideology (SCIMPI) campaign. It argues that SCIMPI underplays the basics of school improvement, ignores school practices that damage racial relations, place more emphasis on individual schools rather than the school system, and has clandestinely embedded within it destructive improvement practices that can further damage already disadvantaged students.
From the Brink of Closure to Ofsted Success: Five Years in the Life of a Primary School
Describes efforts at St. James' Primary school (Ashton-u-Lyne) that resulted in a school transformation from being under the threat of closure because of low enrollment numbers to being an oversubscribed school that is credited with promoting the highest standards of personal development and racial harmony.
High-Performing Schools Serving Mexican American Students: What They Can Teach Us. ERIC Digest
A study examined the characteristics of successful schools along the Texas-Mexico border, where high percentages of students were Mexican American, came from low socioeconomic backgrounds, and had limited English proficiency.
Perspectivas sobre las escuelas charter: Una resena para padres de familia (Perspectives on Charter Schools: A Review for Parents). ERIC Digest
Recently, charter schools have gained popularity with parents, students, and others as alternatives to public schools, but what are charter schools and what effects are they having? This Spanish-language Digest defines charter schools and clarifies some of the administrative and legal details surrounding such schools. The Digest also lays out some of the potential benefits of and problems with charter schools, distinguishing commentary on charter schools from research on them, which is sparse.
Perspectives on Charter Schools: A Review for Parents. ERIC Digest
Recently, charter schools have gained popularity with parents, students, and others as alternatives to public schools, but what are charter schools and what effects are they having? This digest defines charter schools and clarifies some of the administrative and legal details surrounding such schools. The digest also lays out some of the potential benefits of and problems with charter schools, distinguishing commentary on charter schools from research on them, which is sparse.
Race Equality and School Improvement: Some Aspects of the Birmingham Experience
Describes two initiatives--Education for Our Multicultural Society/Success for Everyone and KWESI--illustrating Birmingham Local Education Authority's (LEA's) efforts to enhance racial equity and improve schools. These initiatives demonstrate the LEA as policymaker, providing a clear sense of vision and purpose, and as an enabler and facilitator for change.
Reflections on Multicultural Language Practices across a District and within a School
Describes the school climate, the building-level specifics, and some effective teaching strategies that make Western Hills Elementary School an appropriate and successful setting for the development of multicultural language practices. Discusses the partnership between the school district and the University of Colorado at Boulder, and the role this partnership plays in supporting the development of multicultural language practices.
Successful Strategies in Multi-Ethnic Schools: A Summary of Recent Research
Summarizes approaches identified in recent research that were used in schools in the United Kingdom that were effective in educating minority students. These effective schools were characterized by strong leadership, shared vision and goals, school organization, and high expectations for students.
The Unity Project: Creating a Circle of Awareness
Research on school restructuring reveals the commitments and competencies that lead to improved outcomes for children, including careful attention to students' emotional development, professional development that emphasizing the reflective study of teaching, culturally responsive and inclusive teaching, and a focus on early language and literacy instruction.