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School Community Programs
"I Wish I Could Have Been There Dancing with You": Linking Diverse Communities through Social Studies and Literature
Profiles the Indiana Exchange Project, an endeavor that uses technology to link fourth-grade teachers and students from three geographically and ethnically diverse communities. The students exchange letters, photographs, response journals, local newspapers, and videotapes of classroom and community activities.
Community Service in a Multicultural Nation
Examines human qualities that undergird citizens' commitment to the common good in diverse societies, suggesting that community service fosters such qualities. Planned interactions across social barriers are necessary to develop qualities of citizenship for pluralistic nations.
Maurice R. Robinson National Mini-Grant Program for K-12 Service Learning
Briefly describes a service-learning grant program and provides examples of elementary, middle, and high school projects awarded grants in 1996. Projects included efforts to educate the community about river pollution, multicultural murals, and a school activities news show.
Mount St. Mary's College. Policy Perspectives. Exemplars
This report describes the efforts of Mount St. Mary's College (California) to extend the benefits of a strong, traditional baccalaureate program to an underserved population of women in an urban region, including substantial numbers of minority and first-generation college students.
Mount St. Mary's College. Policy Perspectives. Exemplars
This report describes the efforts of Mount St. Mary's College (California) to extend the benefits of a strong, traditional baccalaureate program to an underserved population of women in an urban region, including substantial numbers of minority and first-generation college students.
Peer Consultant Initiative Handbook. 1st Edition
This handbook was developed for those selected as part of the Kellogg Peer Consultant Initiative which seeks to promote the inclusion of service-learning into core academic curricula. Consultants provide teacher education programs and technical support to those educators developing new programs or strengthening existing programs.
Peer Consultant Initiative Handbook. 1st Edition
This handbook was developed for those selected as part of the Kellogg Peer Consultant Initiative which seeks to promote the inclusion of service-learning into core academic curricula. Consultants provide teacher education programs and technical support to those educators developing new programs or strengthening existing programs.
Promoting Community Renewal through Civic Literacy and Service Learning. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 93
Based on the idea that community colleges have a critical role in enhancing civic literacy through community-based programming and service learning, this volume provides descriptions of theoretical frameworks and practical models for incorporating community renewal into the college mission.
School Community Partnerships that Work
Profiles a number of working partnerships between schools and community organizations that involve service learning. The various projects include neighborhood mapping, study of local ecology, environmental testing, recording local ethnographies, and letter-writing campaigns.
Service Learning for a Diverse Society: Research on Children, Youth, and Prejudice
Reviews psychological and educational research on prejudice and intergroup relations to produce suggestions and guidelines for improving the combined educational goals of service learning and multicultural education. Recommends starting early, emphasizing critical thinking, connecting activities to appropriate stages of cognitive development, and employing role playing and cooperative learning.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education.