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School Based Management
Lessons from Laboratories in School Restructuring and Site-Based Decision-Making: Oregon's '2020' Schools Take Control of Their Own Reform
In 1987, the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 2020, the School Improvement and Professional Development Program. Designed to encourage innovation and professional development in a select number of Oregon schools, this act was intended to upgrade educational quality and create models for other state schools.
Racial Equality and the Local Management of Schools. Warwick Papers on Education Policy No. 8
How the trend toward school-based management since the 1988 Education Reform Act has affected racial educational equality in England and Wales was studied through an examination of the policies and practices of a British Local Education Authority (LEA), identified as Woodshire. A review of the policies, practices, and events in the Woodshire district was supplemented by in-depth study of four Woodshire secondary schools.
Restructuring Urban Schools: A Chicago Perspective
The Chicago (Illinois) School Reform Act of 1988 set in motion a chain of reform efforts that have been the subject of considerable study. The plan emphasizes returning control of the schools to parents and the community through school-based management and local school councils.
Restructuring Urban Schools: A Chicago Perspective
The Chicago (Illinois) School Reform Act of 1988 set in motion a chain of reform efforts that have been the subject of considerable study. The plan emphasizes returning control of the schools to parents and the community through school-based management and local school councils.
School-Based Management: Involving Minority Parents in Shared Decision Making
In the past decade, systemic school reform has taken hold in America in the form of ”school-based management” (SBM) or shared decision making as a mechanism for improving schooling. Despite the lack of positive findings from research on the ability of this innovation to improve schooling, the reform innovation continues to grow.
School-Based Management: Involving Minority Parents in Shared Decision Making
In the past decade, systemic school reform has taken hold in America in the form of ”school-based management” (SBM) or shared decision making as a mechanism for improving schooling. Despite the lack of positive findings from research on the ability of this innovation to improve schooling, the reform innovation continues to grow.
The Inclusive School: Integrating Diversity and Solidarity through Community-Based Management
Confronts possibilities and problems associated with creating diverse, multicultural, inclusive schools. Illustrates how schools can better serve students by fostering a sense of community while advancing both solidarity and diversity.