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School Administration
Annual Needs Assessment, 1998: Region V Head Start-Child Care Partnerships & Training and Technical Assistance Needs in the Area of Disabilities
The Great Lakes Quality Improvement Center for Disabilities (Region V QIC-D or GLQIC-D) serves Head Start Programs in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin, and conducts an annual needs assessment of the Head Start Disability Services Coordinators. For 1998, 264 coordinators completed the survey, which gathered information regarding Head Start-Child Care partnerships and initiatives, training and technical assistance needs regarding parents with disabilities, and needs in library resources regarding disabilities.
Changing Faces of Reform. Proceedings of the Annual Rural & Small Schools Conference (18th, Manhattan, Kansas, October 27-28, 1996).
This proceedings contains abstracts of 21 presentations. Titles and presenters are: "Teaching and Learning in Multiage Classrooms" (Laura Blevins and others); "Leadership, School Reform and the Rural School Superintendent" (Mike Boone); "Teaching English as a Second Language from Theory to Practice" (Mingsheng Dai); "A Guide for Central Office Leaders for Implementing Systemic Continuous Improvement" (Kathy Dale, Alfred P.
Educational Change in Thailand: Opening a Window onto Leadership as a Cultural Process
A case study of change leadership in a Thai school illustrates the salience of multicultural perspectives on school leadership. A cultural analysis of the change process contrasts the nature of "empowering" reforms with the underlying cultural norms of Thai society.
Middle Level Education: An Annotated Bibliography
Developed as a reference tool for teachers, administrators, researchers, parents, and others interested in middle level education, this annotated bibliography of 1,757 entries focuses on practical aspects of middle level education and on research related to adolescence and middle level practices. Following an introduction and discussion of general, practical, and research issues, the 24 topic areas selected for inclusion are: (1) philosophy; (2) early adolescent development; (3) middle level programs; (4) middle level administration; (5) middle level facilities; (6) interdisciplinary team organization; (7) adviser/advisee programs; (8) core curriculum; (9) integrated curriculum; (10) behavior and classroom management; (11) exploratory and elective subjects; (12) social issues, community service, and service learning; (13) pedagogical issues and strategies; (14) educational technology; (15) special needs; (16) multicultural issues; (17) assessment; (18); achievement; (19) middle level teacher preparation; (20) middle level teacher inservice and staff development; (21) counseling; (22) health; (23) family and community; and (24) middle level resources.
Raising Achievement for Asian Pupils
Analyzes why ethnic minority groups, such as Asians, are achieving marginal academic success. Analysis of the management, pedagogic, curriculum, resource, and community issues indicates what political guidance might be effective to help improve academic achievement.
Rebuilding from the Ashes: Schooling in Post-War Bosnia
In the postwar transitional phase, restoration of a comprehensive education system in Bosnia has been impeded by inadequate resources and capacity to repair and/or upgrade existing facilities, debate over curricular content, differing school management systems, and student displacement. Rebuilding must stress democratic, multicultural principles.
Secondary Education in Italy. Guide to Secondary Education in Europe Series
Italy's 1948 Constitution of the Republic reformed lower secondary education, making schooling compulsory for all citizens. This guide highlights the complex nature of the secondary education system in Italy.