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Resistance to Change
Developing a Rationale for Multicultural Education in Rural Appalachia
Because of their ethnic/racial homogeneity, Appalachian schools often see multicultural education as irrelevant. Teacher education must link the oppression of Appalachia with that of more visible minority groups; show how knowledge is subjective; and emphasize that true national unity results from honoring diversity.
Seeking Ethnocultural Equity through Teacher Education: Reforming University Preservice Programs
Argues that Canadian schools of education must address social justice issues of ethnicity, culture, and racism; model equitable practices in teacher education programs; and promote equity for all students in public schools. Reviews current debate on multicultural and antiracist education, challenges in pursuing equity in education, and promising preservice programs providing specific direction for reform.
Strategies for Counterresistance: Toward Sociotransformative Constructivism and Learning To Teach Science for Diversity and for Understanding
Reports on two types of resistance by preservice science teachers--resistance to ideological change and resistance to pedagogical change. Suggests a sociotransformative constructivist orientation as a vehicle to link multicultural and socioconstructivist theoretical frameworks.
The Future Is Now: Latino Education in Georgia
Georgia's Latino student population has risen from less than 2,000 in 1976 to more than 28,000 in 1996. In 1995-96, Latinos were less likely than their peers to finish school, more likely to struggle in the classroom, and less likely to have instructors from their ethnic background.
The Road to Multicultural Education: Potholes of Resistance
Presents data on the extent to which preservice and inservice teachers and preservice school counselors approached acceptance of the tenets reflected in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education's statement endorsing multiculturalism, multilingualism, multidialectism, empowerment, equity, and cultural and individual uniqueness. Survey data illuminate tensions teacher educators experience as they conduct multicultural training activities.
Wanted: Minority Educators for U.S. Schools
Although necessary for a diversified student body, minority teachers are underrepresented due to a lingering resistance to integration efforts, unappealing classroom conditions, salary issues, and culturally biased professional exams. Equitable placement procedures, incentives, competitive salaries, mentoring programs, subject-area recruitment, and multicultural training are partial remedies.