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Religious Education
Celebrating Racial Diversity
This book is a teacher's guide to lessons on racism and multicultural education for students in preschool through grade 12. The emphasis is on the Catholic tradition, and suggestions are given for using the manual to support a religious education program.
Experience, Subjectivity and Christian Religious Education: Canadian Catholic Education in the 21st Century
Canadian Catholic education has increasingly been defended from a theological rather than a philosophical position. This article reflects on how the contemporary stress on experience and subjectivity influences Canadian religious education and how these qualities may fashion a distinct, pluralistic Canadian Catholic education for the future.
Religion and Multiculturalism in Education
Provides a concise historical overview of theological thinking concerning fundamentalism, absolutism, and relativism. Considers corresponding responses to issues regarding multiculturalism.
Who Are My Sisters and Brothers? A Catholic Educational Guide for Understanding and Welcoming Immigrants and Refugees.
This educational guide, designed for use in Catholic elementary and secondary schools, religious education programs at all grades, youth retreats, teacher training, or parent and adult sessions, places issues related to immigrants and refugees in a Catholic perspective.