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Regular and Special Education Relationship
Collaboration activities and competencies of secondary school special educators: A national survey.
A national survey of 1,000 secondary school special educators servicing students with mild disabilities yielded 407 responses. Results found that the teachers interacted frequently with general and special educators to share information and infrequently with community service providers.
Coming Together: Preparing for Rural Special Education in the 21st Century. Conference Proceedings of the American Council on Rural Special Education (18th, Charleston, South Carolina, March 25-28, 1998)
This proceedings contains 64 papers on rural special education. Papers present promising practices in rural special education, discussions of theory and research, research findings, program descriptions, and topics of current concern.
Disproportionate Representation: A Critique of State and Local Strategies. Policy Forum Report (Washington, D.C., September 14-15, 1995). Final Report
This document reports on the purpose, implementation, and outcomes of a policy forum on strategies used to address the disproportionate number of students from minority ethnic/racial groups receiving special education. Participants included representatives of state education agencies, local education agencies, the university/research community, general education, the Office for Civil Rights, and advocacy groups.
Educating One and All: Students with Disabilities and Standards-Based Reform
In this report, the Committee on Goals 2000 and the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities reports on a systematic comparison of the policies and practices related to standards-based reform and special education. This report assesses the extent to which the goals of common standards and individualized education can be reconciled.
Standards & Inclusion: Can We Have Both?
The move toward higher standards in our nation’s schools has raised a major dilemma for educators committed to the inclusion of students with disabilities. How can these students truly succeed in a learning environment where academic standards and formalized testing are increasing?” This video discusses the following: The Consequences of Higher Standards; The Seven Factors of Successful Inclusion; the Reauthorization of I.D.E.A.; and the Restructuring of Our Schools.
The Disproportionate Representation of Minority Students in Special Education: Responding to the Problem
Identifies specific content that teacher trainers in special and general education should consider incorporating into preservice training programs in an effort to address the over- and underrepresentation of culturally and linguistically diverse students in special education programs. The fields of multicultural education and bilingual education are seen to offer effective practices and programs for diverse special-needs learners.
The Fight Free Classroom
Describes implementation of the Fight Free Classroom intervention (designed to decrease fighting and aggressiveness by helping students take ownership of their behavior) in an urban elementary school that included students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Overall, aggressive acts among students with and without EBD decreased immediately after participation in the intervention.