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Reading Strategies
Becoming Successful Readers: A Volunteer Tutoring Program for Culturally Diverse Students
A study examined how culturally diverse students increased their reading/writing performance through a structured volunteer tutoring program. Two university professors developed volunteer tutoring programs at six elementary schools in southeastern Michigan.
Literacy and Community. The Twentieth Yearbook: A Peer Reviewed Publication of the College Reading Association, 1998. [Papers from the College Reading Association Conference, 1997]
This 20th Yearbook of the College Reading Association reflects the theme of "community" again and again, in diverse ways.
Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners, 2002
This issue of "Multiple Voices" contains the articles on disabilities, minority group children,Parent participation,Preservice Teacher Education
Reading Strategies,Teacher Attitudes,American Indians,Augmentative and Alternative Communication,Bilingual Education,Blacks,Disability Identification,Diversity,Educational Change,Educational Practices,Elementary Secondary Education,Learning Disabilities,Limited English Speaking,Multicultural Education,Performance Factors,Research Problems,Student Teachers.
Taking Children's Literature Seriously: Reading for Pleasure and Social Change
Investigates how multiple stances in reading can reveal new insights into texts. Demonstrates three ways that a single text can be read from the perspectives of a pleasurable reading, a postcolonial reading, and a critical multicultural reading.
Teaching Reading to American Indian/Alaska Native Students. ERIC Digest
This digest summarizes ways to help young American Indian and Alaska Native children become fluent readers. There are numerous reading intervention programs, each with its own set of claims and counter-claims.