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Reading Research
Conditions, Concessions, and the Many Tender Mercies of Learning through Multicultural Literature
Explores how students constructed their own texts and meanings when they were required to read, interpret, and critique unfamiliar text written about underrepresented people. Presents the concepts "conditions," "concessions," and many "tender mercies" of learning through multicultural literature when presented as new literature to a heterogeneous mix of students.
ESL Policy and Practice: A Linguistic Human Rights Perspective
Finds that the reading performance of English-as-a-second-language students and English language learners immersed in regular education classes in a large urban school district was far below grade-level performance, across all categories of measurement; but that the performance of English language learners who had successfully exited from bilingual classes was consistently within or above the average range of performance. (SR).
Handbook of Reading Research. Volume III
A comprehensive overview of important contemporary issues in the field of reading research, this book presents 47 essays that examine literacy through a variety of lenses--some permitting microscopic views and others panoramic views. Essays in the book cover current methodology as well as cumulative research-based knowledge.
Literacy and Community. The Twentieth Yearbook: A Peer Reviewed Publication of the College Reading Association, 1998. [Papers from the College Reading Association Conference, 1997]
This 20th Yearbook of the College Reading Association reflects the theme of "community" again and again, in diverse ways.