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Reading Improvement
A Successful Program for Struggling Readers
Notes that a "staggering number" of struggling readers in the United States are African American children and other students of color. Outlines characteristics of successful schools for struggling readers, and details effective teaching techniques.
America Reads Challenge: Tutors to Teachers
Investigated how the America Reads Challenge might help recruit tutors to the teaching profession. Focus groups and surveys of college tutors in urban settings indicated that they enjoyed the experience and believed it increased and confirmed their desire to teach.
Becoming Successful Readers: A Volunteer Tutoring Program for Culturally Diverse Students
A study examined how culturally diverse students increased their reading/writing performance through a structured volunteer tutoring program. Two university professors developed volunteer tutoring programs at six elementary schools in southeastern Michigan.
CIRCA 2000: Curriculum Intervention for Reading Comprehension & Achievement
Presents an essay that is the result of group-centered activities by graduate students and a faculty mentor in a leadership training program for prospective educational administrators in California. Notes that the class produced some forward-moving and future-thinking core recommendations for reading improvement and achievement in multicultural settings.
CIRCA 2000: Curriculum Intervention for Reading Comprehension & Achievement
The article presents an essay that is the result of group-centered activities by graduate students and a faculty mentor in a leadership training program for prospective educational administrators in California.
Everyday Heroes
Designed for low-level adult learners, this book contains true stories of 20 men and women who have faced and overcome serious challenges in their lives. The book is intended to inspire and motivate developmental students in basic reading and writing classes.
Social Constructivism and the School Literacy Learning of Students of Diverse Backgrounds
Suggests social constructivism offers implications for reshaping schooling to correct the gap between the literacy achievement of students of diverse backgrounds and that of mainstream students. Proposes a conceptual framework.