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Reading Attitudes
"Challenge Us; I Think We're Ready": Establishing a Multicultural Course of Study
Discusses how students can relate to Mark Mathabane's autobiographical novel "Kaffir Boy"--his questioning why he must attend school, his open defiance of his father, and his struggle to resist peer pressure. Examines where an all-white high-school faculty started in terms of developing a multicultural literature program, where they have been, and where they see the program in the near future.
Accelerated Reader Impact on Feelings about Reading and Library Use: A Survey of Fifth Grade Students in Lee County, Florida, To Determine How a Computerized Reading Management Program Affects Attitudes toward Reading and the Media Center and Frequency of Library Use
A study examined how Accelerated Reader Program (a computerized reading management program used in elementary education) affected attitudes toward reading and use of the media center. Fifth-grade students in three Lee County, Florida schools were surveyed.
African American Females' Voices in the Classroom: Young Sisters Making Connections through Literature
Examines the reading experiences of six African-American middle school girls. Finds that their book selection processes were different than those proposed by the professional multicultural education literature; they found affirmations, support, solutions, and decision-making skills in their reading; and that what mattered were the connections the girls were making to those characters.
Dealing with Diversity. Ensuring Success for Every Student
Four essays consider aspects of ensuring that every child can succeed in school. The first, "Appearing Acts: Creating Readers in a High School English Class" (Joan Kernan Cone), explores the self-perceptions of students and uses them to inspire their enthusiasm for reading.
Taking Children's Literature Seriously: Reading for Pleasure and Social Change
Investigates how multiple stances in reading can reveal new insights into texts. Demonstrates three ways that a single text can be read from the perspectives of a pleasurable reading, a postcolonial reading, and a critical multicultural reading.