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Program Descriptions
"Life Took Me Elsewhere." The Roma Tutoring Project in Romania
Describes the plight of the Roma (the preferred word for "Gypsy") in Romania, and the Roma Tutoring Project, intended to help Roma children succeed in school. Discusses the project's activities to sponsor the writing of children's books in Romania based on Roma children and culture, and with a tutor training project based on the language experience approach.
Affirmative Action Defended: Case Studies in Engineering Education
The affirmative action efforts of the College of Engineering at the University of California Davis campus demonstrate affirmative action at its best. Eight programs are described that represent positive and constructive affirmative action that gives women and minorities the opportunity to advance through hard work.
Alaska Native Personal Leadership Program
Describes the Alaska Native Leadership Program (ANLP), designed to recruit and retain Alaska Native college students. The year-long program includes an orientation, a two-semester class on self-exploration, skill-building, educational and career paths, and social activities.
American College Personnel Association Strategic Initiative on Multiculturalism: A Report and Proposal
Details the work of a task force charged with developing initiatives to integrate multicultural concerns into both higher education and a professional association. Outlines historical roots of the effort, lists goals, and proposes initiatives to enhance multiculturalism.
Assembling Pieces in the Diversity Puzzle: A Field Model
Offers a model of social-work education that infuses multicultural content into the field curriculum and enhances faculty diversity. One school's field-practice seminars integrate diversity training by pairing community facilitators with faculty facilitators to increase instructors' awareness of diversity; offering ongoing workshops to train facilitators to address diversity issues; and conscious inclusion of diversity content into seminar curriculum.
Bernard van Leer Foundation Newsletter, 1996.
This document consists of the four issues of the Bernard van Leer Foundation's "Newsletter" published during 1996. The newsletter covers topics related to, or about efforts to foster, the education and welfare of children around the world, and includes descriptions of programs around the world, lists of resources and publications, and early childhood news.
Breaking Down the Walls: Camp/School Program Brings Diverse Communities Together
The Discovery Center (Ashford, Connecticut) is a camp/university/school program that provides a positive diversity experience to preadolescents through experiential education in an outdoor, residential setting. Students from at least four cultural groups are mixed for all cabin and lab groups, and all camp activities are retooled to pursue the goal of comprehensive diversity education.
Bunker Hill Community College: A Common Experience for Lifelong Learning
Describes the design, implementation, and assessment of the general education program at Bunker Hill Community College, in Boston, Massachusetts. Indicates that the program is designed to serve as an academic commons where students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds can come together and share common intellectual experiences.
Celebrating Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Head Start
Noting that the dramatic demographic changes in the United States in the last 30 years require that Head Start programs learn how to access new populations, encourage their participation, and tailor programs to meet their unique needs, this study was commissioned to better understand the diversity in language and culture of the Head Start population.
Cultural Diversity and the NCATE Standards: A Case Study
Examines the ethnic distribution between college of education faculty and public school teachers. Describes one comprehensive program designed to help reduce this type of ethnic discrepancy.
Cyber Diversity
A Central Michigan University course in African-American literature, attended mostly by whites, is joined by black students and their professor at the University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, for lectures and discussions by teleconference. Technology is the tool used for increasing diversity in the teaching/learning experience.
Diversity and Multiculturalism: Institutional Leadership at the University of Michigan
Initiatives taken at University of Michigan to address complex nature of diversity and multiculturalism in higher education are described, including a 1988 administrative strategic plan to link academic excellence and social diversity among faculty and students, a plan to improve women's representation among faculty, a longitudinal study of impact of diversity on the class of 1994, and curriculum reform. (MSE).
Evaluation of an Intervention To Change Attitudes Toward Date Rape
Describes the design and evaluates effectiveness of a program at a private college to change freshman (n=615) attitudes about date rape and sexual assault. Intervention for the experimental group involved viewing a play performed by students; the control group viewed an alternative play addressing multicultural issues.
Foreign Language and Culture: Some Background and Some Ideas on Teaching
Educators should combine foreign language study with discovery of another culture. Several postsecondary institutions are adopting Language Across the Curriculum, which allows students to apply their second-language knowledge in various courses or integrate other disciplines into language courses.
From Policy to Action: Parkland College's Implementation of North Central's Statement on Access, Equity, and Diversity
Describes the measures taken by Parkland College to implement North Central's Statement on Access, Equity, and Diversity. Results include the creation of the Center for Multicultural Education, community-based diversity education, and organization of a statewide conference about gender-balanced, multicultural education.
Infusing Multicultural Education: A Process of Creating Organizational Change at the College Level
A case study uses the concept of second-order organizational change to conceptualize the nature of change associated with infusing multicultural education within a large college of education. A four-year process is described, in which qualitative changes to the organization's culture occurred.
Meet the Culture Assistants
Describes the Japanese Language and Culture Assistants Program, which sent over 100 Japanese volunteers to teach Japanese language and culture in U.S. schools.
Miami-Dade Community College: Applications at the Wolfson Campus
Reviews the Miami-Dade Community College (MDCC) general education program, focusing on the program's specific applications at MDCC's Wolfson Campus. Indicates that general education at the Campus involves education in environmental issues, social studies, humanities, multicultural awareness, the cultivation of individual responsibility, and thinking skills.
Multiculturalism and the Community College
Provides an annotated bibliography of nine recent ERIC documents related to multiculturalism in the community college. Presents documents related to multicultural instructional and program strategies in place at colleges and the role of multicultural education.
Processes and Outcomes in the European Schools Model of Multilingual Education
In the European Schools model, linguistically and culturally diverse students receive most of their education in their first language but must learn at least two other languages. Content teaching of other subjects in the target languages and the regular mixing of different language groups promote multilingual proficiency and cultural pluralism at no cost to academic development.
Promising Practices
Examines selected programs and methodologies in multicultural education designed to foster greater understanding of diverse cultures and lessen racial, class, and gender biases. Highlighted programs include a doctoral program in multicultural education and a staff development program for dealing with workplace diversity.
Race Equality and School Improvement: Some Aspects of the Birmingham Experience
Describes two initiatives--Education for Our Multicultural Society/Success for Everyone and KWESI--illustrating Birmingham Local Education Authority's (LEA's) efforts to enhance racial equity and improve schools. These initiatives demonstrate the LEA as policymaker, providing a clear sense of vision and purpose, and as an enabler and facilitator for change.
Shifting the Role of the Arts in Education
SUAVE (Socios Unidos para Artes Via Educacion--United Community for Arts in Education) is an arts-integrated approach to teaching in multicultural and multilingual settings. A unique professional development project for San Diego-area teachers, SUAVE helps teachers develop ways to integrate the arts into mathematics, science, language arts, and social sciences.
Teaching and Learning with the Seventh Generation: The "Inward Bound" Experience
Pre-health freshmen from a New York university worked at a traditional Mohawk community in return for lessons in Iroquois spirituality, healing, and ecology. Reciprocity between community members and students alleviated problems related to appropriation of Native American traditions and "great white hope" philanthropy, and deepened students' recognition of compassion and understanding of healing.
Teaching Diversity Skills in Law School: One School's Experience
The evolution of a diversity education program at McGeorge School of Law (University of the Pacific, California) is chronicled and response to it is discussed. The program involved a lecture on cultural sensitivity and follow-up small-group discussion sessions involving faculty and students.
The Counselor's Guide to Ohio Independent Colleges and Universities, 2000.
This guide contains information on Ohio's independent colleges and universities, including: (1) a map of the state's private schools; (2) quick facts about independent higher education in Ohio; (3) financial aid; (4) private college visitation days; and (5) college and university profiles. The profiles provide information on 1999-2000 enrollment, admission procedures, advanced credit opportunities, transfer credit policies, housing, Fall 1999 freshman profile, recommended high school curriculum, minority/multicultural programs, learning disabled students, athletics, financial aid, and majors.
The Decline of Youth Suicidal Behavior in an Urban, Multicultural Public School System following the Introduction of a Suicide Prevention and Intervention Program
Reports a five-year longitudinal study of suicidal behavior of students in southern Florida. Describes a district-wide suicide prevention program and offers statistical data organized into annual, monthly, grade-level, and school-level classification of the degree and direction of self-destructive behavior among youth.
The International Assembly
Looks at the missions and goals of the International Assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English, a global multicultural network promoting communication and cooperation for international exchange of teaching practices, literature, literacy, curriculum development, and research in English. Suggests some criteria to look at when developing an international curriculum.
Unity through Diversity: Fostering Cultural Awareness
Describes the program "Unity through Diversity" and outlines the planning procedure used in its implementation. Discusses major program aspects, including the four assembly programs and the supplementary curricular materials.
Youth Works Final Report. Youth Works-Americorps Final Report. Report to the Legislature.
This document consists of a 1996-97 final report of Youth Works*AmeriCorps (YW*AC) and a supplemental report with information collected by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, and Learning.
Youth Works Final Report. Youth Works-Americorps Final Report. Report to the Legislature.
This document consists of a 1996-97 final report of Youth Works*AmeriCorps (YW*AC) and a supplemental report with information collected by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, and Learning.