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Social Studies Resources on the Internet. A Guide for Teachers
This book focuses on social studies web sites, provides the tools for teachers to incorporate the Internet into the existing curriculum framework, explains how to get started using the Internet, and annotates a large collection of useful resources. The resources are wide ranging and challenging to allow students to think, analyze, and create.
Understanding Multicultural Perspectives: A Project Approach
Illustrates how the transformation approach can be used to enhance the social studies curriculum. Describes a project where elementary students analyze primary documents and firsthand accounts of a shared, class experience in order to help them understand the role that cultural perspective plays in the recording of history.
Who Owns History? (Teaching and Learning about Cultural Diversity)
Notes that history is always based on someone's vision of truth, expressed through a process of distillation, selection, inclusion, exclusion, reorganization, and prioritizing. Argues that the shorthand, watered-down, or warped history of mainstream textbooks regarding cultural diversity should be supplemented with original documents, fiction, and the voices of real people telling their own stories.