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Postsecondary Education
Achieving Community on the College Campus
Discusses racism on today's college campuses, and explores the responsibility of the school, its faculty, and its student body in allowing intolerance for minorities to exist. Reasons for this trend are examined, and some thoughts for achieving a greater sense of community on college campuses are discussed.
Approaching Change: One School's Approach to Multicultural Education and Raising the Achievement of African Caribbean Students
Describes Holy Family College's (London) relationship with Waltham Forest's African Caribbean Attainment Project designed to identify and assess the needs of Caribbean students of African heritage and to raise their academic achievement. How the secondary school maximized the benefits of this partnership are highlighted.
Foreign Language and Culture: Some Background and Some Ideas on Teaching
Educators should combine foreign language study with discovery of another culture. Several postsecondary institutions are adopting Language Across the Curriculum, which allows students to apply their second-language knowledge in various courses or integrate other disciplines into language courses.
Multicultural Education in the Zionist State--The Mizrahi Challenge
Reports that the educational experience of Israeli Jews from Islamic countries (Mizrahi Jews) demonstrates the struggle between egalitarian rhetoric (a critical multiculturalism with a social-democratic character) on one hand and a practice of segregation (an autonomist multiculturalism with fundamentalist features) on the other. (Contains 78 end notes.) (PGS).
Multicultural Education: Powerful Tool for Preparing Future General and Special Educators
This article argues that multicultural education is a powerful and necessary tool for preparing future general and special educators to provide services to students with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. It presents ideas for educators willing to assist multicultural learners in maximizing their fullest potential in inclusive settings.
Preparing Technical Students for Culturally Diverse Work Settings by Integrating a Multicultural Dimension into Technical Curriculums
Multicultural activities should be integrated into technical curricula. Schools must make a serious effort to sensitize students to the nuances of other cultures so they are better able to meet the challenges of the workplace.
Salad Bars & Smorgasbords: The Management of Culture in Sweden & the United States
Investigates multiculturalism and education in Sweden through historical accounts, national course plans and guidelines, current theory, discussions with scholars, classroom observations, and 23 interviews of late-secondary/early postsecondary teachers of civics and Swedish language arts. (EMS).
Swimming Against the Tide: A Study of Prospective Teachers' Attitudes Regarding Cultural Diversity and Urban Teaching
Assessed 300 prospective teachers to determine their attitudes and beliefs concerning cultural diversity. Results show additional emphasis on multicultural education is needed in teacher education, and a variety of experiences are needed to bring preservice teachers into contact with cultural groups different from their own.
The Politics of Multicultural Education in South Africa: Vogue, Oxymoron or Political Paralysis
Argues against using American-style multicultural education in South African higher education and suggests that transitory nation-states would first need to adopt Africentric reformism in order to recapture their value system before incorporating multiculturalism into the curriculum. The relevance of the multicultural model to South Africa and why its implementation should be deferred is discussed.