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Political Issues
From Moral Duty to Cultural Rights: A Case Study of Political Framing in Education
Addresses questions about how old social causes get revived, and how small, politically insignificant interest groups mount viable campaigns against dominant political views. Examines the strategies of two multifaith religious coalitions in Ontario, Canada, that are gaining political ground by reframing traditional arguments for religious schooling as multicultural issues.
Global Connections: Where Am I? How Did I Get Here? Where Am I Going?
Presents a series of questions designed to provoke students to think about their location in the world, the effect of global connections on their local culture, and current global problems and their implications. Includes Internet contact information for some United Nations agencies that provide information useful to students.
Multicultural Social Reconstructionist Education in Urban Geography: A Model Whose Time Has Come
Briefly describes several approaches to multicultural education including highlighting minority achievements and emphasizing human relations and social reconstruction. Argues that social reconstruction is the most productive approach for teaching urban geography.
Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Possibilities
This paper outlines, at a general theoretical level, what are seen as the key issues that are facing multiculturalism and, by implication, multicultural education as the world moves into the 21st century. The paper contends that it is necessary to reassess continually what mistakes have been made in the past, what obstacles still lie ahead, and, in light of both, what might be the best way to proceed.
Politically Correct on Campus.
This digest reviews materials which discuss political correctness and its manifestations on college campuses. First presenting opposing definitions of the term (liberal and conservative), the digest then reports on the topic as seen in the research, and offers several suggestions about incorporating the conflicts themselves into the curriculum.
The Place of Political Education in the Classroom
Demonstrates the ability of children to understand global and political issues in a framework of interdependency and justice, as established in the "Children and Worldviews" Project. Children's responses and thinking are provided as well as examples of classroom strategies.