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Political Attitudes
"E Pluribus Unum": What Does it Mean? How Should We Respond?
Charts the intellectual history of competing conceptions of national unity, diversity, and ethnic identity. Explicates three models: monolithic integration (monocultural assimilation of diversity), pluralistic preservation (diversity and unity as equal values), and pluralistic integration (stressing consensus about core civic values while acknowledging the compatibilities and tensions regarding unity and diversity).
Multicultural Education as Social Activism. SUNY Series, The Social Context of Education
Multicultural education is a relatively new field that has faced a struggle for legitimacy. This book argues that multicultural education can be understood as a form of resistance to dominant modes of schooling, and particularly to white supremacy.
State Politics, Students, Administrators, and Faculty: Teaching American Studies in Idaho
A professor who teaches an American Studies course at the University of Idaho contends that she has her work cut out for her. According to the professor, Idaho's conservative political climate has led to her learning to negotiate.
State Politics, Students, Administrators, and Faculty: Teaching American Studies in Idaho
A professor who teaches an American Studies course at the University of Idaho contends that she has her work cut out for her. According to the professor, Idaho's conservative political climate has led to her learning to negotiate.
The Political Correctness Controversy Revisited
Maintains that the inclusion of diverse views to enhance understanding is one of the central tenets of education. Briefly summarizes the arguments for and against multicultural education and calls for a more tolerant and open dialog between conservative and liberal factions.
Understanding China in the 21st Century: Political, Economic, and Security Issues in the Asia/Pacific Region. Part I, U.S. and Japanese Relations with China: Case Studies of Cooperation and Competition
This curriculum unit is part one of a three-part series. The unit introduces students to policy options for U.S.
What the Russian School Ought to Be Like
Asserts that Russian society and Russian schools are going through a profound crisis. Maintains that the best approach to solving social and educational problems is to restore and develop national principles and group cohesion.
White Natives. "Braveheart" and "Rob Roy" as Colonial Victims
Two contemporary films, "Braveheart" and "Rob Roy," depict Scottish ethnicity from a rather narrow perspective. The positions that are sentimentally admired when attributed to white natives of Scotland are horrifying when expressed by contemporary peoples of color.
White Noise: The Attack on Political Correctness and the Struggle for the Western Canon
Reviews debates about political correctness, multiculturalism, and the Western Canon in education, analyzing why the Canon needs defending and what it says about education. The paper describes flaws in the arguments of those attacking political correctness and defending the Canon, suggesting that the case for multiculturalism and diversified curriculum needs substantial strengthening to be feasible.