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Child Rearing in African American Families: A Study of the Disciplinary Practices of African American Parents
Examines the disciplinary patterns and practices of African-American parents (N=121). Results indicate that the context of the disciplinary episode influenced how African-American parents disciplined their children.
How teachers taught: Constancy and change in american classrooms, 1890-1990.
Cultural beliefs about the nature of knowledge, how teaching should occur, and how children should learn are so widespread and deeply rooted that they steer the thinking of policymakers, practitioners, parents, and citizens toward certain forms of instruction. (…Most descriptions of classrooms portray the persistence of teacher-centered classrooms consistent with the historical tradition that took shape when men and women lived guided by a deep reverence for the accumulated wisdom of their elders.).
Parents’ Thinking about Standardized Tests and Performance Assessments
Parental attitudes about standardized tests and performance assessments were studied through interviews with 60 parents or parent dyads in schools involved in a project to develop new assessments and through questionnaires completed by parents from control schools. Parent approval of standardized tests did not imply disapproval of performance assessment.
Reasons for and Solutions to Lack of Parent Involvement of Parents of Second Language Learners
Noting that one of the most challenging tasks educators face in improving parent involvement, particularly among parents of English as a Second Language (ESL) students, this paper describes categories of parent involvement, examines several barriers to parent involvement, and offers suggestions for improving parent involvement.
Social Workers’ Views of Parents of Children with Mental and Emotional Disabilities
In response to concerns expressed by parents of children with emotional and mental disabilities about professionals’ attitudes and beliefs, the authors surveyed the views of a sample of clinical social workers. The majority of respondents in a national random sample endorsed statements expressing validating attitudes toward parents, agreement with open information sharing, and agreement with providing specific guidance to parents about how to help their children.
Vulnerable Children, Vulnerable Families: The Social Construction of Child Abuse
Based on a study conducted in an intervention program for parents of maltreated children, this book examines the well intended but often ineffective efforts of the child welfare system to prevent maltreatment, as illustrated by the experiences of three parents targeted by the state’s child protection agency, and urges more far-reaching policy change to coordinate earlier and more diverse kinds of support for children and families.