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"Reading the Word and the World" within a Literature Curriculum
Describes 19 children's books (published between 1196 and 1998), in categories of poetry, picture books, participation books, chapter books for older readers, and nonfiction. Discusses them in tandem with landmark books to reflect on social and historical contexts and to help teachers talk with children about the enduring images and changing perspectives that affect their views of themselves and others.
Add Salsa to Your Classroom with Young Adult Books about Latinos
Discusses the use of young adult and children's books about Hispanic Americans as a part of multicultural education in middle school classrooms. Considers interdisciplinary learning activities to explore the history of Hispanic experience in the Americas, and recommends works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and anthologies for classroom use.
Historical Facts and Fictions: Representing and Reading Diverse Perspectives on the Past
Presents brief descriptions of 22 recently published books for children and adolescents that present untold stories that begin to fill in the gaps of mainstream versions of the past. Includes categories of historical fiction, historical nonfiction, biography/memoir, and poetry and verse.
Literature-based Reading in Action: Views from the Classroom
Discusses 7 books for educators that report successful practices in the teaching of reading within a literature-based curriculum. Notes that these professional resources show what teachers are doing in their classrooms to make literature a vital part of children's lives, based on the power of literature as an artistic form and its potential to influence perspectives, actions, and lives.
Many People, Many Places, Other Times: An Annotated Bibliography of Multicultural Books for 3- to 8-Year-Olds
Cites 99 recently published fiction, folklore, and nonfiction books for 3- to 8-year olds that illustrate a broad interpretation of multiculturalism and include positive and accurate portrayals of various ethnic or religious groups. A brief synopsis is given for each book, along with publication information.
Promoting a Global Community through Multicultural Children's Literature
Children's literature reflecting authentic multiethnic cultures can help young minds recognize the diversity of their families and communities. Books that allow children to see themselves in a positive role give them an opportunity to affirm their identities.