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Nondiscriminatory Education
Diversity and the New Immigrants
Schools are inadequately prepared to serve the needs of increasing numbers of culturally diverse students. Problems relate to desegregation, multicultural education, higher quality education, and bilingual education.
From Our Readers: Preparing Preservice Teacher Candidates for Leadership in Equity
Describes the importance of moving beyond identity labels like Black, Hispanic, or female to examine how gender intersects with other social memberships like race and class. By considering more inclusive, individualized ways of viewing multiculturalism, educators can forge more meaningful conversations with students about diversity and equity.
New Statewide Regional Initiative on Creating Inclusive Educational Communities for Minority Students
Despite the existence of a college-wide Committee on Access, Equity, and Cultural Diversity and other efforts, minority retention rates at Illinois' Parkland College remained disproportionately low. In 1996, the college received a grant through the Higher Education Cooperation Act to develop an approach to recruit and retain minority students.
Reflections on the Promise of Brown and Multicultural Education
Examines the dual meaning of promise (hope and vow) in relation to "Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas," discussing how the two conceptions are implemented in a desegregated school and explaining how multicultural education can help meet the dual expectations of "Brown" as promise/vow and promise/hope.
Revisiting the Supreme Court's Opinion in Brown v. Board of Education from a Multiculturalist Perspective
Reexamines the Supreme Court's school desegregation opinions, including "Brown v. Board of Education," and concludes that a multicultural society was not part of the Supreme Court's vision of public schools.