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National Standards
Delta Pi Epsilon National Research Conference Proceedings (Indianapolis, Indiana, November 14-16, 1996)
It is a collectio of 34 papers.The papers contains articles related to attitude and motivation;teacher student;government university collaboration relationship etc.
First Things First: Selecting Repertoire
Presents three principles of repertoire selection: (1) select music of good quality; (2) select music that is teachable; and (3) select music that is appropriate to the context. Discusses how repertoire selection relates to the National Standards for Music Education.
International Education, Citizenship, and National Standards
Maintains that if students are to make informed and prudent judgments about the international role of the United States and its foreign policy they need to understand the major elements of international relations and how world affairs affect them. Connects this goal to the National Standards for Civics and Government.
Respond to Stories with Stories: Teachers Discuss Multicultural Children's Literature
Describes a literature discussion group consisting of eleven social studies representatives involved in a discussion of children's multicultural literature and articles. Focuses on story as a resource for exploring diversity and for sharing personal experiences and responses with others.
Why Standardized Tests Threaten Multiculturalism
Oregon's statewide social-studies assessment (a randomized, multiple-choice maze) is part of a "democratic" national standards movement that threatens good teaching and multicultural studies. If multiculturalism's key goal is accounting for historical influences on current social realities, then Oregon's standards and tests earn a failing grade.