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National Programs
Beyond Enhancement: The Kennedy Center's Commitment to Education
Asserts that exposure to high-quality arts performances with accompanying educational experiences enlivens teaching and learning. Maintains that few schools have taken advantage of opportunities provided by arts-presenting institutions.
Finding a Path to History and Culture
Maintains that music technology growth can assist teachers in implementing interdisciplinary approaches involving history, culture, and music. Presents suggested classroom strategies utilizing CD-ROMs and other interactive media technology.
Guidelines for Global and International Studies Education: Challenges, Cultures, and Connections
Argues that the high public interest in contemporary international issues has opened a window of opportunity for effecting change in the national global-studies curriculum. Develops guidelines that summarize what concerned scholars and educators recommend as the international dimension of education for K-12 students.
Partnership for Change: The NALSAS Strategy. Interim Progress Report of the First Quadrennium of the NALSAS Strategy, 1995-1998. Corp Author(s): Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs, Carlton South (Australia)
The basic tasks of the National Asian Languages and Studies in Australian Schools (NALSAS) strategy has been to resource and promote the teaching and learning of Asian languages and studies of Asia in Australian schools. NALSAS focuses on four Asian languages: Chinese (Mandarin), Indonesian, Japanese, and Korean.
Partnership for Change: The NALSAS Strategy. Interim Progress Report of the First Quadrennium of the NALSAS Strategy, 1995-1998. Corp Author(s): Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs, Carlton South (Australia)
The basic task of the National Asian Languages and Studies in Australian Schools (NALSAS) strategy has been to resource and promote the teaching and learning of Asian languages and studies of Asia in Australian schools. NALSAS focuses on four Asian languages: Chinese (Mandarin), Indonesian, Japanese, and Korean.
Salad Bars & Smorgasbords: The Management of Culture in Sweden & the United States
Investigates multiculturalism and education in Sweden through historical accounts, national course plans and guidelines, current theory, discussions with scholars, classroom observations, and 23 interviews of late-secondary/early postsecondary teachers of civics and Swedish language arts. (EMS).
Standards and Practices: Children's Literature and Curricula Reform for the Twenty-First Century
Maintains that implementing the new social studies curriculum standards has been a challenge for many elementary teachers. Asserts that high-quality children's literature is essential for an integrated, multicultural curriculum.
Youth Works Final Report. Youth Works-Americorps Final Report. Report to the Legislature.
This document consists of a 1996-97 final report of Youth Works*AmeriCorps (YW*AC) and a supplemental report with information collected by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, and Learning.
Youth Works Final Report. Youth Works-Americorps Final Report. Report to the Legislature.
This document consists of a 1996-97 final report of Youth Works*AmeriCorps (YW*AC) and a supplemental report with information collected by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, and Learning.