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Multilingual Materials
A Theoretical Framework for Training Monolingual School Psychologists to Work with Multilingual/Multicultural Children: An Exploration of the Major Competencies
Suggests major competencies needed by all school psychologists, especially when working with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Suggestions were gathered from practitioners in the field, published data, literature reviews, and personal observations.
Globalizing Instructional Materials: Guidelines for Higher Education
Discusses issues in training students to be culturally literate and the process for creating, designing, and developing cross-cultural (globalized) instructional materials. Defines terms associated with globalizing instructional materials and the process of adapting these materials to other cultures.
Reaching All Families: Creating Family-Friendly Schools
Recognizing the critical role parents have in developing their children's learning habits, this booklet offers strategies that focus on ways principals and teachers can communicate with diverse families about: (1) school goals, programs, activities, and procedures; (2) the progress of individual students; and (3) home activities which can improve children's school learning.
Selecting Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Materials: Suggestions for Service Providers. ERIC Digest
The population of the United States is growing more culturally diverse each year, and this diversity is clearly evident among families with young children; however, individuals who work in early childhood programs are not as diverse as those they serve. Moreover, many early childhood professionals have little preparation for working with families from a wide range of cultures and linguistic backgrounds.