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Multicultural Textbooks
Influences of Multicultural Poetry Genre Study on Sixth-Grade Students' Language Appropriation
A study investigaged: (1) in what ways sixth-grade students appropriated language and/or themes from multicultural poetry into their own poetry writing and (2) when students appropriated language and/or themes, what factors influenced their choices. Subjects were 5 students within a class of 22, chosen for case studies because of their unique involvement in the classroom community, resistance to distraction, fluency in writing, and diverse cultural/ethnic backgrounds.
Multicultural Education in the U.S.: A Guide to Policies and Programs in the 50 States
This book compiles information to investigate the presence and structure of multicultural education programs throughout the United States. The book begins by discussing the need for multicultural education programs, and the goal of which is to provide more accurate descriptions of America's microcultural populations and to guarantee a better education for all American school children, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or language background.
Redirecting Our Voyage through History: A Content Analysis of Social Studies Textbooks
Examines the extent to which social studies textbooks include diverse perspectives on U.S. history through a content analysis of the treatment of slavery in 17 5th-grade texts in Connecticut.