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[Religious Art] Fulbright-Hays Project 1997. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad, 1997 (Mexico)
This lesson is intended to be incorporated into an Art I unit on religious art that introduces the rise of Christianity as a guiding force in Western art. The goal of the lesson is to compare and contrast the artistic representation of the Virgin Mary most commonly seen in Soria, Spain, with that image most commonly viewed in Mexico.
Mexico: Challenges and Opportunities in Education in the 21st Century. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad 1997 (Mexico)
This paper introduces students to lesser known and traveled parts of Mexico. The text is intended to accompany a Power Point presentation that traces the trip a Fulbright-Hays group took through Mexico, highlighting places of cultural and historical interest.
Mexico: Land of Contrasts. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad 1997 (Mexico)
This paper outlines a unit of study on Mexico for students in grades 5-10 but can be adapted to other grade levels. Background information on significant events in Mexican history is presented.
Perspectives on the Mexican Education System: Prejudices, Problems, Possibilities. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad 1997 (Mexico)
This paper examines the complex Mexican educational system and how numerous factors influence its success, depending on one's point of reference. Many ideological and subjective judgments are made in this evaluation.
Perspectives on the Mexican Education System: Prejudices, Problems, Possibilities. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad 1997 (Mexico)
This paper examines the complex Mexican educational system and how numerous factors influence its success, depending on one's point of reference. Many ideological and subjective judgments are made in this evaluation.
Say Hola: Crossing Borders, Enriching Lives
Describes a thematic unit of study, carried out in a kindergarten class, on traditional aspects of Mexican life. Describes class activities, unit objectives, and student responses in the unit involving geography, art, literacy, and Mexican culture.
W(R)i(t/d)ing on the Border: Reading our Borderscape
Provides a counter story focusing on the U.S./Mexico border that is a borderscape requiring active and tacit engagements and uses the genre of Critical Race Theory in which the experiential and intrinsic complexity of story knowledge depends on the Other's lived experiences. Attempts to unmask the hegemony of social injustices.